How the Day Sounds

He was right. There wasn’t a better way to celebrate and thank their creator then to fall back into their instinctual minds and forget any other influence. They would be fools to think that they were simply wolves. No. Evolution, their tainted Luperci genes and the remnants of humans had left their marks on their kind. But this, the scent of blood clouding her mind, the taste of marrow, and the feeling of lean muscle against her teeth. This was what had been intended with their conception. Purity and innocence of their species among the carnage and death that filtered into the air.

Anu smiled, white teeth stained by the dark crimson of the buck’s blood. It was a smile of agreement. She found that he looked changed, not the spiritual beast that she had come to know. His marked face was what looked at her, and she remembered how their alliance was not one of trust, as she wanted all her acquaintances to be. Anu did not know what he was to her.
“I do not know much of Inferni.” Anu admitted, watching him as she lay among the dismemberment. She wanted to trust him, for it was her nature, but before she could place that hope in him she need to know more. Tentatively she questioned,
“Is it your goal, to be feared?” perhaps he would mock her question, but if so she would learn from his arrogance.


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