How the Day Sounds

SSWM - 379

His words rang in her ears, where silence had once filled them. Her water colored eyes watched him; the cock of his head did not seem to match his soft tones voice. His face seemed to mock her, show that she was a fool to trust him. And yet his tone sounded less curious and more serious in his wonderment. Anu would not lie to him, even if he thought her a fool to trust the one that led a clan of coyotes, their lands guarded by skulls and eyeless heads. Yet, instead of speaking out right Anu watched him with a calm that his tilted head did not show itself.

Eyes wandered him, scanning his body as if she needed one more look in order to form her opinion. But it was not the scars that Anu focused on. Eyes looked at the cross that hung around his wolfish throat, always unmoving in its position each time she met him. She doubted he lived a day without it. Not a moment without the reminder of who his god was and where his faith originated. Anu knew only that much, the detailed story a mystery to her. But she felt in a way, the heart that beat beneath the cross was not.

“Do you think,” Anu began her words just as soft and quiet as his. It was uncommon for Anu to hold so much trust in a male, especially one beyond her pack. Normally she stayed only acquaintances with anyone other then females. It was simply her quiet nature that drew her to the more fragile of sexes. Though she was lost to males entirely, the connection that was drawn between the Dreamer and the Infernian was seemingly rare.

“do you think I would lie to you?” the woman finished with eyes searching lightly for his. He did not trust her kind. He did not find them more then beasts with the wish to destroy all that he held dear. Anu would not, and could not defend those of her kind that she not of. But she did not question him in regards to her kind. She asked about herself, if he simply thought he couldn’t believe the things she said. Anu did not lie, not about this.


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