How the Day Sounds

we can end where ever you like, I really like their threads, and that last post was great. SSWM - 383

There were deep seeded placed in him, filled darkness that was given by those that had wronged him and the ones he loved. Where her gaze was placid and calm as a lake’s surface his were blazing with a constant turmoil. They were fire where hers were water. Such opposites, both that drew faith from very different places. It was the love she saw in him that made her take a wiling step closer. It was knowing that he had the ability to care for those beneath him in his clan’s ranks that made her trust him. It was that love that had made him do those wicked things, was it not? But all of that went unknown by the Dreamer, she would stay ignorant, and happily so. She could know that he would not hurt her, nor the ones she cared for herself. Anu could remain standing in front of him with eyes locked knowing now that he believed her, knowing that he trusted a wolf when before he had believed they all held the same hatred for his species and his clan.

If she knew it, Anu would fear for him in his future battles. If she knew that Haku sought his blood the female would pray that he would be saved from the monster’s wrath. But there was no doubt in her mind that Gabriel held his own black wings to soar with. Out stretched, they blocked out the sun as they rode the breath of his crucified god. On His words the male would go forth to protect all that he cherished. As Anu was not suited for those dark places and as her silver and tan pelt shown under the glow of the mother’s moon, he would find satisfaction and comfort in the taste of his enemies blood against his teeth. If she knew his future she would hope that he would find peace after such war.

His eyes did not seem ablaze as he spoke to her, the words holding more then she could understand. She believed him, of course and Anu smiled, softly in her eyes as well.
“As I am you.” her voice was quiet. How deeply her appreciation went she could not tell. But he had surprised her, just as she might have him.


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