time marching on to a madman's drum.
http://sleepyglow.net/rp/kae/endoftheworld.jpg); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:243px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; padding-bottom:10px;">
Durf, durf, durf. Sie is slow. XD

    In a halfway normal mood, the silvery hybrid would have been fascinated with the tapestry of scars coating the other female's body. The coyote was interested in wounds and the stories woven behind them. Both of the canines' histories were written in raw and knotty flesh across their bodies; Kaena's scarring over most of her body was not quite as apparent as the midnight-colored woman's, but it was there. Most of her larger scars occurred close to her face, but there were numerous smaller patches of scar tissue, places where the fur grew in oddly—little things that all added up and gave Kaena her grizzled appearance. The hybrid had been granted her first and some of her most prominent scars as a young child; the single marks extending from her eyes to her forehead were granted by her mother when she was hardly able to see and hear.

    The silvery hybrid was dully surprised to hear the other canine speak her name. It had been some time since she had been recognized on merit of her appearance alone, and it was the smallest ego boost to the coyote to be so renown, hardly enough to matter in the grand scheme of her mood, but palpable to the Centurion nonetheless, so low had she sunk into the depths of her rotten mood and miserable memories. The lead-furred woman gave a slow nod in response. "That'd be me," the coyote said, sounding far less enthusiastic and egotistical than she usually did when introducing herself. Her single golden eye regarded the other canine sharply as she spoke, and just the tips of her canines showed in a tiny grin. It was not a friendly smile in the least, and her words were just as laced—"Yeah? I've got your kind to thank for most of my problems."


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