Bouncing Here and There and Everywhere
Talking is good.

The Tirones Minor did his best to maintain a silent stride. The yellow canine moved closer into Clan territory, and a silent growl rumbled fiercely in his chest. His bright coin colored eyes only caught glimpses of the intruder through the trees, but he did not dare reveal himself, not yet anyway. Although the trespasser seemed strange, it did not take a genius to figure out that the boy would be sorely outmatched if the yellow wolf even had half a mind to fend him off.

Mason turned when he heard a low voice, somewhat startled. He had been so focused on trailing the intruder that he had given all his energy and senses over to the task. His muscles were tense and he flattened his ears against his head, baring his teeth until he realized that it was not a stranger who had crept up upon him. His yellow eyes wide, he recognized a male that he had seen at the Halloween gathering.

He turned his coin colored gaze back to the yellow furred intruder. He let out a disgruntled breath, the exhalation unsteady with his pent up frustration. "It is a wolf," the boy said, his voice practically dripping with disdain. His gaze was intense as it followed the meandering intruder. "It is foolish. I think I heard it talking to itself." His refusal to assign the intruder a gender further showed his contempt for the wolf. "It has a big stick." That part seemed important. Did the wolf use that thing as a weapon?


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