bloodletting the sun
Sure! SoSuWriMo 378

      She had never resented her parents for not giving her more of the powder and she had been terrified by the fact that it had craved more of the drug. She had felt no pleasurable effects from sniffing the stuff, it had been a horrible experience. While she hadn't realized it at the time, looking back she knew that she had been close to death while in the grips of the drug and what it had done to her little body and mind. Why anyone would ever willingly take such a horrible powder was beyond her and it only made her hatred and fear towards the woman that had had it in their home grow. Cambria wasn't prone to such negative feelings directed towards another, but this case was an exception. She hated Naniko and blamed her fully for what had happened. She would never forgive her, not ever, and she hoped that she never had to see her again. It would be best if she could be wiped from her memory completely, though she knew that would never happen. It was burned into her psyche, never to go away.

      The girl smiled brightly up at her father, her tail wagging wildly in the excitement and happiness that were flowing through her. Eagerly she handed the spool over to him, incredibly curious to see this other trick with the kite that he apparently knew. Carefully she watched his movements and listened to his words, not wanting to miss anything. Then her sea foam eyes shot back up to the sky to watch how it had affected the kite. She clapped her hands as it spun around, the movement mesmerizing and dizzying. When he came back over to her she took the spool and moved once again to copy what he had shown her. "Okay!" Delicate fingers pulled on the string and she moved forward and pulled more, the kite high above following her actions and spinning around as it had before. A gleeful giggle bubbled up from her chest as she ran around with the kite. The girl really couldn't think of a time where she had felt so happy and had so much fun. Cambria hoped that she and her father would do this again, and soon.


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