Drown the Sun

Skies on Fire,
Flames burn Higher...

He watched as the sun continued to sink into the sea. A blazing, bleeding titan, dying now only to be reborn again with the dawn. How very poetic, Vukasin... he sneered mentally at himself, disgusted with his own romanticism, almost as much as he was of his drinking. Neither was a thing he could help. Not right then. He wasn't very deep into the latest bottle, so he was more aware than he had been at other recent times. Small blessing. With a mixture of disgust and regret, he tossed th ebottle as far as he could out into the waves, sighing at the forlorn splash.

Then a voice intruded upon his little, isolated world. Looking up, and around, he spotted a white form. He squinted against the sea's glare, Tryign to make out a face. Platinum blond hair, which was lovely, he noted. Red eyes, kind of odd, not that he was one to judge weird eye colors. Wait a second... Small, white fur, blond hair, red eyes... The fur was soft, he remembered. Vukasin sighed and dropped to his back in the sand as he acknowledged the other. "Pendzez..."

Skies on Fire,
Flames get Higher...

Skies on Fire :: AC/DC

Table by Jenn


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