we are what we pretend to be
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a329/ ... /lark2.gif); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

    Though the scent of wolves was growing ever stronger, Lark was still not entirely sure of what to expect. By all accounts his experience with pack wolves had been stunted. Khalif had ignored and abused him. After Misery had taken him away there had been no need for companionship beyond her. Pack wolves were only tools, often either fought or intimidated in order to get what he needed. Without the grace of social interaction, there was very little he could do beyond rely on his brute strength.
    A woman was approaching him, one thin and very pretty. Larkspur slowed in his approach, and came to a stop. There was nothing in his body language to suggest even the hint of violence or suspicion. He wasn’t here to do anything bad. Before he could explain himself, another voice came from the right, and Larkspur’s head swiveled. An orange wolf was coming toward them, one who apparently knew the woman. Before he got close, however, Lark had turned his face back to his female companion. “Something, kind of,” he tried to explain. “I’m looking for any D’Angelos.” If they recognized the name, he would know he was on the right track.


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