we are what we pretend to be
Anya slunk along the borders of the pack, stalking a squirrel that had had the gall to start screeching at her when she was gathering herbs. He wouldn't make a good meal, so she wasn't technically hunting, just proving that revenge is a dish best served cold. That little rodent was skilled at jumping through the trees, though, and Anya ended up tracking him mostly by sound.

Of course, Anya wasn't precisely paying attention to where she was going...she was just intent on making that squirrel's life miserable. So when she heard voices, Anya's ears perked up and she abandoned her squirrel hunt....for the time being.

"Hi guys, long time no see...How is everything going?" Anya noticed the newcomer, and tried to place his scent. It seemed familiar, but not quite the same. It rang a bell in her head, reminding her of someone....who was it??
"I'm Anya." She introduced herself, hoping to gather more information about this newcomer.

After Rendall had left, Anya secluded herself in the woods, scratching out shallow dens in the evenings. Pretty soon, she knew that she would have to find a more permanent shelter, but she wasn't too worried about that for the time being.

She started, noticing something about herself. She had actually introduced herself first, instead of waiting for the new male to introduce himself and question her presence. Anya realized that she had changed quite a bit since first coming to Phoenix Valley in July.

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