I'll stop the world and melt with [you]
Yay Big Grin I love the way you write! I don't think James will reply for a while, so you can go ahead!


It was if the other had just materialized in front of him, her voice seeming sudden and unexpected. In surprise, Hemming pulled Addison closer to his chest as if to protect her, stopping in his tracks. His breathing was shallow and rapid, and he merely stared at the female before him, waiting for her words to finish coming out. Even after she was done speaking, her phrases seemed to spin around in the air, and Hemming took a moment before he was capable of stringing together what he had heard. When he realized what she had said, and what it meant, his stiffened, panicked face turned into an expression of great relief and he huffed, "Oh, thank the heavens."


Addison's blood was starting to seep through the towels, now, the old white rags becoming stiff with drying blood. The male hurried to find a place where he could set her down without damage, and after a moment he placed her, as carefully as possible, on her side on a patch of earth. He held her head as he crouched down, and let it rest on his knee as he kneeled beside her. "I found her like this," he said quickly, "I don't know how long she's been hurt." He would have attempted to give some estimate of how long ago it had been when he had found her, but time seemed choppy and erratic and he had no clue how much had passed.


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