Hide and Seek, alcohol style

Lol I saw! So many replies!

Strel rubbed at his neck fur, feeling the trinket Rurik probably assumed he had made. The necklace was not made by him, save for stringing beads through thick string. He smiled, nonetheless, at the comment. "I'm afraid I can't make trinkets too well. I can make decent enough clothes though if you want those in trade instead," he offered, he gestured with his hands, palms up. Strelein followed Rurik a bit, waiting outside of the hotel, trying to be polite. He shifted from one foot to the other, unsure of what kind of etiquette was required for the situation. True, Rurik had said the booze was a freebie, but would he accept the only tangible thing he could make? Keeping his back to the sunlight, Strel peered in, watching for the older wolf.

As soon as he reappeared, the redhead moved back. Taking the bottle into his hands, he grinned. "Oh I have my bag in an old house. I can carry it there by hand and then run home with it in the bag." Strel ran his fingers over the imperfect bottle, marveling at the way the glass swirled and bubbled beneath its surface. He'd seen old, dusty human bottles and their clear, perfect glass. This one seemed thicker and had significantly more imperfect, but it was far more interesting than human ones. It was original, and that was all that mattered. The redhead would have to be careful to not break it so he could return it or keep it on his own shelves after the King was done with it.

The easy-going look that had been on his face fell, seriousness in his look now. He wasn't asked that very often, but when he had been back in the unclaimed near his old home, the responses he got were far from polite or understanding. Wary, he eyed Rurik questioningly. The way the other looked was far from threatening. Sighing a bit, he let a grin work its way back onto his lips. "Ever since I found out what girls were for. It never clicked in my mind that I would like to be with one intimately. The girls in my old pack felt like sisters," he said, reminiscing. He had friends that knew, but very few of his old home had known, since they had though it another aspect of unnaturalness. The mutation they could deal with but with mental abnormalities, they were very unwilling to tolerate.

Hands unknowingly rubbed at the bangle on his wrist, remembering his theft of it from the leaders. He had been so angry at them for taking it from him in the first place, he had gone back to get it for himself. He had to hide it, but now that he was away, he could wear it freely. "I don't think it's a big deal. It's just...," he fumbled for his words, sighing, "...Some of them are such hypocrites." Strel did not really know what it was he had meant, since he had no way of explaining himself. Trying to change the subject, he tried something about Rurik, "So you have kids? Who's the mother?" He knew it was not prudent to ask something like that, but he had no mind for prudence.


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