unusual situations


She wasn't hard to please per say, and far from being high-maintenance. In fact, as far as the female population went, she was set off from the majority in many ways. She wasn't the type to fuss, or the type to brood or even swoon. As far as interactions with the opposite sex went, she tended to avoid them at all costs, hating the majority of them due to biased and sexist ideas deeply embedded in her memory from various past experiences. Most males tended to be brutish pigs, letting their groin do their thinking for them. She herself hadn't ever really become involved with a male, but she had plenty of brothers and male family-members to have learned that lesson from. Yes, it was easy to see that she was quite stubborn. Like an old mule stuck in her ways.

With an absent mind, her long talons raked through the pale mane of hers, a sheen had taken into her coat, undoubtedly caused by the luminescent glow that the moon cast. She would have been entirely content to spend the remainder of the evening alone, but as a deep, masculine voice split the silence it became apparent that it was to be otherwise. She didn't give a start, though she had been surprised by how close the brute had gotten without having been alerted. Curiously her teal and blue chasms were turned upon him, her slender neck craning up a bit as she was still seated and planned on remaining so. His words had been a pointless toss-out, that she was assumed was intended to be an invitation for her to engage him in conversation. A rather blank look was presented across her feminine features, as she regarded him for a few precious moments, retaining the semi-silence as long as possible before her strong lungs took in a rush of the salty-air, exhaling sharply as she offered a weak, obviously out-of-practice smile. "Yes, very.." she replied rather awkwardly, having looked back in the direction of the sea as she spoke. "I think its owed to calm of the sea" she added, her duo-hued gaze remaining on the lulling waves for the time being. She knew, from simple common sense, that it was rude of her to go on much further without at least some form of introduction. "I'm Ataxia" she fumbled, feeling rather lame as she did so. She wouldn't ever dare brag of being socially graceful, for she knew that would be a complete and total lie.

lineart by sugarpoultry


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