unusual situations

We wave this flag of hatred;
But you're the ones who made it.

By the way he had responded it was obvious that what Firefly had said was something that was considered common knowledge. She chuckled ever so lightly, amused at this to be quite honest. She looked away slightly though, feeling the warmth of ever so slight embarrassment coming over her for a moment as his joking comment. "Oh, I don't know about that.." she replied somewhat meekly, with a small laugh. She wasn't the type to attract males easily, she'd been far to guarded for anything like a relationship to be able to form. She'd had all the 'closeness' she needed for one life time with that bastard who'd actually, in essence set her free.

She nodded her head as he explained what his rank was and what it was he did, she hadn't really been wondering but she admitted it was nice to be a little more clear on things, it made her feel slightly less out of the loop. She smiled at his offer of assistance with anything she might need help with, 'dispute' wise. Nodding her head slowly she murmured a small, advanced "Thanks". Listening to him tell her about a few others she'd yet to meet, she was showing obvious and earnest interest as she nodded her head to each fact he listened about the two, Ruri and Heath. What he had said last though, slightly confused her. Horse? Should she know what that was? She almost felt too ashamed to ask, but her burning curiosity forced her past her road-blocking nerves. "Um.. a horse..? I don't think I know what you're talking about.." she was speaking as if she expected him to think that was ridiculous. Shrugging her slender shoulders slightly, a sharp fang pressed into her lower lip as she nibbled at it nervously.

ooc - thanks again for having a thread with me xD this is the only one I really have going sadly Tongue

image by cammie


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