Timewarped, When you're bad.

The tiny girl blinked back the tears in her eyes, a faint hint of anger building within her usually calm, sweet form. This boy's continued antagonism was hurting her and he was enjoying every minute of it. Oh how she wished Jac was here to make him regret what he was saying! But Jac wasn't here. She didn't know where he was, or where she was for that matter. Perhaps she was the one that was missing and Jac was right where he was supposed to be. Ruri didn't know. All the tiny pup knew was that she was about to cry and she had to do something to try and make this other pup stop making fun of her. If she started crying, he'd never stop! "B-because! You awen't being nice," she did her best to sound defensive, but her high pitched words only came out as a quiet whimper of mildly indignant protest. All it would likely do was irritate the boy and egg him on further. She could tell he was circling her again and this time she started to turn in place, moving her whole body to make sure that she could tell roughly where he was. His last comment brought more tears to her pupil-less blue eyes. She tried to blink them back, but was suddenly met with the young male's leg sweeping under her fluffy-furred forelimbs and knocking her flat on her face. Her sensitive nose hit first, sending a shock of pain into her face. The tears that she had been fighting back came bursting forth as she started to cry, her cold, wet nose smudged with dirt which she quickly wiped off with her paws."Ow! That hu't! Why'd you do dat?" she cried, her half-folded ears pinned against her head. This older pup really was mean! For once, the delicate little girl who had scarcely a mean bone in her body wanted him to feel what it was like to have his nose slam into the ground. She wouldn't voice that opinion, but the fact that she even thought it was abnormal for her.


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