Time Left us Behind

Very short!

Tail shivered so pathetically against little Haku’s belly. As the scary, brutal weird puppy’s voice kept booming and screaming, Haku could feel his entire frame shake with fear. Giants and people that wanted to eat other people, such thoughts scared the young soul that was hidden under Sleepy-Stupid’s warm and somewhat comforting belly. Body contact soothed the upset child, but this was all so strange and unsettling that he could do nothing but to hide under the other boy, praying for his mommy or daddy to come to the rescue. Why was the strange puppy behaving this way. Haku hadn’t done anything wrong. A whimper shook the chocolate coated child’s body and he curled into a little ball of fur, trying to shut everything out – especially the loud and mean puppy that yelled about meanie heads and giants.


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