
Now that she was staying with Faolin for sure, she hung around the house more. She liked sleeping with the bigger female whenever Gabriel wasn't there--with him there it was just weird. So sometimes she stayed in the house, and sometimes she didn't. Empusa got the impression that Gabriel didn't really trust or like her at all, so she tried to keep out of his way as much as she could.

She had seen Arkham before, not really a lot, but she'd also smelled him around a couple of times too. So he was familiar...but not someone she'd seen before. But that was okay. "Hi. And vot do you mean? I am standing here, talking to you. Zat is vot I'm doing" She let the tease stand in the air for a few moments before answering again. "I am looking for a light. To light ze...crackers." She produced a pack of matches, holding them up. "It will be difficult"


Tammi edit: Fixed your coding Big Grin

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