send me on my way

gah, my next post should be faster i sry D:

The other puppy's rapid agreement pleased Tokyo. She preferred her friends easily malleable, so she decided that this puppy was definitely a friend. "I'm Tokyo Chance and my momma is the alpha of Jaded Shadows." She was lying, but not by much. Yeah, technically it was her grandmother, but the point still stood, she was veritable royalty. And should be treated as such, of course. "I never hearded of Cloud Tears." Her tone of voice indicated that this meant that as far as she was concerned, the pack couldn't be very important if its name had never graced her ears.

Maluki suggested hide and seek, and for a moment the short attention span of the girl clung to the new idea.. But the possibility of treasure! It tore her mind back to the task at hand. "We can play hide and seek after." Tokyo declared authoritatively. This was how it was going to be; his opinion didn't really matter that much, because she didn't want to play yet, and if she didn't want to then of course it wasn't going to happen. "And a'course I can count but we gotta do this thing first." She lied again, but why on earth would she admit to a lack of knowledge in anything? She didn't want this kid to think she was stupid. She bounced back towards the beehive, trusting that he would follow. "Get this thing out of the tree, there's treasure inside an' I want it."


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