Dark places, what a simple web we weave

Big Grin

Maybe he couldn’t explain it, especially to one as young as she. It as impossible to put the connection he had with the horses into words. Perhaps it could be seen as he worked with them, but it was hard to share it through voice. He was not surprised when she looked unsure and for once since she had arrived said only a single sentence. He must have baffled her entirely, if all she could say was two little words. The male sat against the fence post, down to her level the male smile softly at the pup. Lumière had strode up to the pair, leaning her nose out over then fence to examine the little female that wanted something to do with her coy-wolf.

Heath nodded his head, liking that she was in agreement. There could be an accidence, and then Heath would never find a way to forgive himself. But now she knew, waiting till she was older and even not until she could shift. Only when she learned to respect them should she be around them. The roam mare sniffed loudly at the small collie girl, examining her.
“I promise.” Heath spoke with a smile. He would be happy to teach her, just as he did her sister. He always had a filly in mind for her. Maybe together they could grow and learn how to ride. Unlike Ruri, the tan pup might do well with the fire and fury of a young mare.

“Maybe you could watch over the sheep?” he suggested, watching and waiting for her reaction. Maybe they did need a caretaker, just as the horses did. And only someone who truly loved should be the one responsible for them. Only someone that care more about their charges more then themselves.



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