Dark places, what a simple web we weave

maybe we can wrap this one up, I would enjoy another if your up to it?? maybe some trouble in the city xD??

The poor man. There was no way to satisfy the small beast. He didn't think of it often, but there was little hope for the man if e ever had children. Gentle, patience and caring he could be, but if all pups were like the little collie girl then Heath was very much in the dark of how to act or keep her entertained. It was not that he didn't enjoy the company, in fact he was growing attached to Sylvie the more she hung around. But, the things he said just didn't instill the reaction that he hoped, or expected.

It was always just more questions. Heath couldn't keep up with all of them. His head would start to spin if she asked any more. The male had had enough and looked at the little one, "I can take you to the library, in the city." He offered, not ready to leave the stables and gather anything from his loft. He didn't feel too safe leaving her alone around the mustangs. "Where are you staying?" He asked, a smile forming along his lips. It was his moment to ask questions. The male stood, still looking at her face. Maybe he could walk her home and keep her out of trouble.


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