Though the darkness breaks the light...

oh no worries!

The Earthen toned girl just began to walk, a single strait direction. She would either find his scent, or walk strait out of the territory. Violet eyes focused on nothing but the ground, watching her step as she wandered. Then a smell, strong and near came to her. Eyes came up from the ground, to meet the voice and face of a stranger. He was polite, asking her kindly if she was lost. Mati only stared, as if her eyes had met something she had never seen before.

He bore a crown of crimson, with eyes that were a mirror of her own. She looked at the ring of color around his neck, and the artist didn’t want to look away.
“No.” She spoke, dishonestly. She was, but she wasn’t.
“My brother lives here.” She added, hoping that he didn’t think her an idle trespasser. She was the stranger here, and yet she didn’t want to be known as one.

“I’m Mati.”


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