Though the darkness breaks the light...

/slowfail done in school so it might suck lots

"It's good to have someone who understands what you go through," he said plainly, knowing that anyone else would have said the same thing. It was a typical response, but the redhead felt he had already edged on this stranger's bad list. He certainly practicually insulted her brother, which was never a good thing unless the sibling was an insane murderer. Haven was definately not one of those kinds of brothers.

When Mati mentioned her mother being an addict, Strel eyed her out of the corner of his eye. "Is she okay, or is she still...addicted?" Despite being overly curious as to what kind of addiction the female's mother had, he held back his tongue. He was not sure just what damage asking that could have caused - namely to his physical well being. "Well, at least you guys seem alright despite it all." He said, hoping that the topic would drop, more for the sake of the female. He had no idea what her emotions were on the subject and he did not want to cause her more pain over thinking about such things.

Shaking his head, the redhead smiled. There was mild malice behind his grin, but it was subconsciencely done. "Oh none here, no. It's better that they didn't come with me." But how he wished his brother had come with him, to ease his mild homesickness for the forests of his birthplace. "I left on my own, rather suddenly."

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