Though the darkness breaks the light...

wrap up soon??

The pair continued to walk, though she felt as if they merely wandered through the woodlands of his pack lands. She didn’t worry that she would not make her way to Haven’s house or that she might not meet with his this day. The thoughts of Naniko had begun to weigh her down, and she had always found it difficult to rebound from the bitter and depressing thoughts. His words brought a fragile smile to her face, and all she could do was wish that it were true. Each day she felt the grip of that need for a maternal figure loosen, tomorrow she would feel less unhappy and more like a complete being.

His response to her question made her forget about her mother’s inabilities. He had been running away, and now the violet eyes girl wanted to know why and how. She smiled more widely as he did, feeling lighter and less plagued as he explained. But then, she looked to him with a questioning gaze. It was confusing, since Mati had always found that her four legged form was the more natural and conservative of the three. Mati was obvious with confusion and asked,

“You had to be shifted? All the time?” Mati pictured a place where there was no other option but their Optime form. The restriction made her uneasy.

Her artistic heart made rules and laws unfavorable. She enjoyed being creative, and free to choose just what she wished and wanted. To think someone would tell her when to be in what form was beyond anything she could imagine. She could obey the rules of the pack, having grown up with them and finding them reasonable and just. To treat each other with kindness was simplistic and not a hard thing for the Church wolfess to do.



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