like oil and water
Character Name: Rikka de le Poer

Character Birthdate (including year): August 31, 2005

Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: luperci

Species: coyote/wolf/dog hybrid

Gender: female

A secondary form of contact: xdraconislupus


She couldn’t believe she was back. Of course this had been her destination for weeks, but now that she was here it seemed so surreal. A barrage of familiar and unfamiliar scents assaulted her nose; the one that stuck out to her the most was the smell of her mother. She had expected to smell it after a stranger she had met on the way had told her Kaena was alive and well. A part of the hybrid was surprised to find the woman still living and breathing. How old would she be now? Rikka wasn’t sure; at this point she had trouble remembering how many years it had even been since she had last set eyes on her. All she knew was that she had changed a lot since then and could only assume the same could be said of her dam.

One thing that apparently had not changed, however, was Inferni. The tall mixed blood femme stood at the pikes with her arms crossed unsatisfactorily across her chest. A sad frown creased her muzzle as she looked up at the multitude of skulls that adorned the borders and she found herself second-guessing her choice to return. She wouldn’t fit in here, she never had. Rikka had never held hate in her heart and especially now it went against everything she believed in. Perhaps she should have never left the Haight commune. Perhaps that was where she really was meant to be, despite having no blood family there. Once again the two halves of herself were fighting each other; one part of her desperately wanted to be around her kin but the other was disgusted by the ideals of the clan. It had been a constant battle throughout her life and she didn’t think it would ever be resolved.

She huffed a sigh, closing her golden eyes. At the very least she would wait and see her mother and deliver the note that had been given to her to pass on. She did want to see Kaena, that she couldn’t deny for a moment, but what she would do beyond that was wholly uncertain.


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