Two seas in a cod

I say done? Sorry this is so darn short.

They were impossible topics. Good and evil. The "right" side of war, of killing. It didn't matter. In the long run, very little changed and it was all they could do to save themselves. Be selfish because it kept you alive. If it wasn't in the wolves' personal interest to oust Inferni, then there was nothing to be done. Those that the coyotes had wronged had either already moved on or scattered to other reaches of the planet, so what was the point of fighting them now? Laruku didn't believe in superheroes or prime examples of good in the world because every little thing was subjective. He didn't believe in an absolute, or even universally accepted, guideline for how someone should act. Laws would affect those they governed, but no laws governed them all. Morals were only what each individual came up for themselves. They were an anarchy and they would live like they were.

If they killed my kid, it'd be my problem. If they kill someone else's kid, their problem. No point in being a hero in this place, Skoll, but you already know that. Laruku shrugged, having already accepted their differing views and the fact that it was unlikely that either would be persuaded to change. So he rose also, tossed the cigarette into the river, and turned. Yeah. See y'round. Nothing ever changed and nothing ever would. At least, not until the day the sun imploded or exploded or whatever it would do that would kill them all.


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