black friday

With one clawed hand, the young Russian reached out towards one of the racks and pushed some of the clothing aside. It was a wonder that some of this stuff still remained after the humans long absence. The garments slide with an audible screech along the rack, and a few items fell from the hangers to the floor. Silas did not bother to pick them up; nothing here seemed to interest him much.

He moved further into the store, not noticing as the fiery colored female maneuvered her way through the front door. The dull thump of the door closing didn’t cross his mind as he picked up some horrid neon pink top that was once meant for some pre-teen consumers. He dropped it to the floor, intending to move on to something else until he was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice.

"Eessues?" Silas repeated, moving around one of the toppled over racks to get a good look at who it was that had joined him. As he skirted around another rack and a pillar, he saw the Cours woman standing not far from the store entrance. She was devilishly beautiful with her bright emerald eyes and soft wavy locks of hair, though something about her features seemed malevolent. She seemed mysterious, and it attracted Silas. "I don’t understand."

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