she moves in mysterious ways

He hadn’t been very productive today. He had spent the morning and the early part of the afternoon passing between sleep and a transient state of dozing in his den—which happened to be the hollowed-out carcass of an ancient automobile in the Landfill. He had woken up, checked over his house to make sure it was still holding up (he had done a pretty good job making it worthy of sleeping in) and then started to just walk around Inferni. He had wandered the borders, not really noticing anything. He hadn’t even really noticed the sun start to go down until it was gone.

It was dark in the lands of Inferni now. The moon was bright, and the stars were as well. Their harsh light spilled out over the chilling lands, making everything seem absurdly crisp and cool. Snake knew that winter was coming, and that made him nervous. He would either have to barricade the inside of his den with some sort of bedding—perhaps he would scavenge some cloth from the landfill, or from the human ruins—or he’d have to dig a den out beneath it. Neither adventure seemed really good for him, but he’d have to do something. Otherwise he’d be freezing his ass off when the snows came.

He was passing the Caves, heading home, when he had noticed the flickering light of a fire coming from the catacombs. It wasn’t surprising—most of the Inferni coyotes lived in these caverns, and, since it had not rained, it was smart to make a fire to keep warm around. But he started to walk towards it nonetheless. Perhaps because he was curious, or cold, or just for no reason at all. But eventually he came to a fire that was burning in a dug pit. He found that there was a female coyote sitting alongside it, as well. The warm firelight danced patterns in her tan fur, and glinted off an odd ring that she had in her nose. Snake’s first thought was that it looked painful.

He stood, awkward, for a moment. He was not good at greetings—or conversation for that matter. He shifted his weight between his legs and then said in a flat tone, “Hey.”

table credit goes to jacoby

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