take only what you need from it
Ty was having a hard time keeping up with Silas' accent, he hadn't heard a Russian accent in months, and this one was particularly thick. At first he didn't quite understand what Silas had asked, although he did take the offer to sit down, that much he did understand. The man had spoken quickly as well, which made it harder to follow as he didn't quite catch all of it either, and for a few mintues he was reduced to trying to replay the mispoken English in his head until it made a sensible sentence. It had been a while since he had really talked to anyone with an accent like this, so it was hard to re tune his ears to it.

However, once Ty replayed the words in his head, he caught on rather quickly. "Oh! How do we stand?" He repeated the wolf's question in his own understanding. "Right, sorry I had trouble with your accent for a second there....Russian, I believe?" He asked pointing at Silas. "Yes, well, the Valley here...we are open and welcoming new members...But I haven't really seen any coyotes here so I don't really know how we stand on that." He shrugged lightly in acceptance. "As for...Russo you say? I don't think I've heard of a Russo, or if you mean Russians, I don't think either of those are around here..."


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