take only what you need from it
alatino Linotype;font-size:12px;line-height:13px;color:#000000;">

     The young Russian boy smiled as Ty took him up on his offer to join him on the fallen log. He let his shoulders roll back, finding himself at ease now that the Senex also seemed to be. It took the golden colored boy a few moments to decipher what it was that Silas had said, but the Russian understood. He was trying very hard to make sure his English was understandable. It seemed he had been doing a lot better with his sentence structure lately. Often he forgot many of his articles and had troubled conjugating his verbs. There was a definite improvement with his minimal use of Russian, though. "Yes, Russian," Silas nodded in response, a smile taking hold of his features. Though his birth land was far beyond the horizon over thousands of miles, he still took great pride in his heritage.

     Ty wasn’t quick to tell Silas of any strong held rules or imposing restrictions, so he had a feeling that Phoenix Valley was relatively neutral in respect to its bias against others. It was refreshing to hear, since Silas had already heard rumors and talk of some of the others bands that held residence in Nova Scotia. And although it was sad to hear, Silas wasn’t surprised that Ty didn’t know of any Russos. He hadn’t really expected to find his brothers here, but he supposed it was always worth a try. "Ahhh, oh vell. Yes, mine brothers are Zaets, Zorish, and Vladimir Russo. I come look for zhem, but I do not know vhere zhey are staying. So I ask everyvhere I go. Just in case." He smiled, knowing it would probably take another moment for Ty to filter all of Silas’ words, but he was glad the Senex had time enough to spend on his questions. "Phoenix Valley.. do zhey have var vith other packs? I hear some packs do not like each other."


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