take only what you need from it
Ty was beginning to get more of a sense for what Silas was saying as the conversation went on, his accent becoming easier to understand. The young wolf beganto talk about his family, about three of hiskin in particular, to which he nodded and listened politely. Although he did not know the three wolves, he could only assume they were as friendly and polite as this one was, so Ty decided that a good way to remain diplomatic was address them. "Well, I'm sure your family members are fine wherever they are, and I wish you luck in finding them." He then shifted his positioning in his chair as he continued to listen to Silas' questions. Silas, at the least, was friendly, diplomatic, and polite, there didn't seem to be any warning signs popping up in Ty's head that he was a spy, a threat,or anything else hostile. In fact,the wolf seemed downright pleasant to be around.

However, a question came up that furrowed Ty's brow, one that made Silas' trip here a little more suspicious. Now Ty was not an overly suspicious wolf, nor was he distrusting, but he was no fool, to ask a question about what relationships the pack has with other packs is questionable in itself. Although not directly meaning that he would go back with this information and side with an enemy, what he could do was convince others based on his answers that the Valley is more hostile than it is,making other packs side together against the pack, and though he did not suspect this behavior of Silas, he didn't really think that was a diplomatic question. However, Ty needed to remain diplomatic and not suddenly turn hostile towards the newcomer, so he replied with a polite tone "That's a bit private for a newcomer isn't it? Prodding at what packs are hostile to one another? However, I can tell you we are not at war with any other pack."

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