take only what you need from it
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     The three Russo brothers could be wandering in Nova Scotia, or they could be half way around the world for all he knew. Still, he would aid his father in asking around all the same. If it would make Rurik happy to know of his elder children’s whereabouts, then Silas would do whatever you could. "Aye, zhanks," he replied, nodding to Ty. He was a rather likable guy, this golden colored hybrid. Silas had to prepare himself for hostile encounters when he traipsed so close to foreign borders. It was a relief to know that Ty had been receiving enough to let Silas ask questions.

     But then the Russian boy’s ears began to flatten against his skull with Ty’s words. It seemed as if he had stepped onto a delicate line, and had perhaps begun to sway into crossing it. "Sorry," he offered, trying to find the words to explain. "Eet’s just zhat, mine father used to live ‘ere and ve are trying to see vhat zhis place ees like. Eet much different from before. Mine father said zhe packs used to be north of zhe city, but vhen ve docked, zhe whole area had been, uhh, gone. Fire, mine father said." He hoped it made sense to Ty. Silas wasn’t some spy going from pack to pack to try and gain intelligence to use in war or feud – he was simply trying to get a feel for the lay of the land and avoid putting his family in harm’s way. Knowing how the various packs of the area fared with each other seemed a great advantage in keeping Lily safe.


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