Runnin' with a rough and tumble crowd!
ooc: wow, I didn't know the wolves were so tall, considering in real life they only range in size to about 4 feet in length, but seeing as how that is the basic height, I'm going to say Ty is roughly 7 feet, perhaps a little shorter, but that isn't to say Jantus isn't a giant among wolves, as you've stated he is rather large as a wolf.

A small bit of embarrassment flew over Ty as he was noticed, but from the way the wolves spoke about him, he was calmed slightly, though now nervous that he might get hurt, as these wolves could easily turn hostile. Trying to still be calm and diplomatic, Ty spoke as calmly as he could, though it was intimidating to be faced by four luperci he did not know. "Alright, you got me." He said as he lifted his body from the ground, quickly slipping out with his hands raised in a sort of surrender pose, although now standing as tall as he could on two legs to try and show a bold front. "But hear me out, I was only curious, so please don' know...tear my limbs off or anything, I didn't mean no harm to nobody." Of course Ty spoke in a casual tone and dialect, as he wasn't the most eloquent of speakers.

He could feel their eyes on him, but he couldn't tell what they were thinking, and that's what made his hair stand on end. these wolves could be friendly or hostile, Ty had no idea, he only knew to let them make the first move, making an unprovoked strike or attempting to run now could get himself killed. So the best he could do was try and talk it out with them. However, so far, they seemed lighthearted, but right now, he cursed his curiosity for allowing him to get into this mess. He took a deep breath, stood tall, and awaited their response after he spoke, making eye contact with all four of them to try and get a reading on their intentions, but got nothing due to his own inexperience.

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