Runnin' with a rough and tumble crowd!
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=P Okay, so he's unshifted right now? I'll run with that.

"'re rusty, eh? Well, just for a challenge, why don't you start with our best fighter, Nik?" The alpha snickered and Mala punched him sharply on the left shoulder, clearly not with force to hurt someone so big. Stop it! she said amusedly. The coyote shot him an incredulous and then tiredly cynical look.

"Ha ha, funny, jerk. 'Let's all see the big bad wolf beat up on the widdle coyote!', clever." He walked off to the side, away from the others but abreast of Ty as if to for them to face one another with their profiles to the others. He began shaking his hands exaggeratedly, loosening up before the fight. "Speed and strength down by half, there, wolf. Not planning on getting ripped up just for practice." Seemingly, he had accepted the offer, even though it had been facetious. The idea that he could handle a wolf--even an average-sized one--was laughable. Full-blooded coyotes got killed when a wolf who wanted a fight came to pick on them. He and Tanya had scared some off in the past, but when wolves got serious, it wasn't even a fight. As a result, he didn't have the unarmed skills of the Pine wolves. His participation the war (as well as his mate's) had been defined by their use of weaponry. Of course, this fight would be less than friendly if he were permitted to bring his aluminum bat into the equation.

"Alright, kiddo. I don't want to see any blood. Check those claws and if you get close enough to bite, watch the strength. Nik'll be coming at you slow enough for you to see the shots coming and to time your own. This isn't a fight to hurt each other...if your hurt the widdle coyote, I'm gonna have to break things up." He was still talking warmly enough, but his face had taken on a different light, and he was curious to see how things would progress from here. Aivyr was technically 'better,' but since he was on four legs right now, Jantus would have to do.

The coyote didn't waste too much time. He waited until he could make eye-contact with Ty, then he darted in. As light as he was compared to the giants around him, he was very quick on his feet. Nonetheless, it wasn't a real fight (and lucky for him, he remembered the let down of getting handled in Skoll's tournament) and so he wouldn't be taking full advantage of it today. He threw an open left hand upward (rigid like a claw but with his fingers curled to the point where they wouldn't catch flesh), followed by a right fist aimed for the solar plexus. Neither had the speed (or claw) to inflict damage, it was just a demonstration. They'd see what this youth was prepared for and what he wasn't.


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