Runnin' with a rough and tumble crowd!
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I'm cool with that too, Mala (though I admit she's only a minor character in the ever-growing roster of NPC's I've created) is characterized primarily as being avid for improving herself and being generally on a warpath when it comes to competition. I could see her beating a rusty yearling like Ty; she's bigger than him, so these things might be a good counter weight to the fact that she's a girl. Maybe after this it calms down a bit and the thread winds down, or do you want to continue fighting after this thing with Mala?

Mala had not been in so many fights as her brother. She had been too young to assist in the conflict which had killed her parents...her brother had killed a wolf in that conflict, his first, and if the world had been kind his last. Nonetheless, he had strength, and she thought it right that he used it to make his corner of the world a better place. Now that she was older, she knew that she would never grow up to be as big or as strong as he was. Nevertheless, that knowledge somehow only spurred her on harder, as if the logic of her mind had no way access to the fire of her heart. What should have given her fatalism regarding the limitations of her abilities, of her body, only triggered an even more fervent backlash against what she had faced. Her loss against Twilight had made her regret more than ever that she had been left behind on Skoll's iconic war...only two of their members had returned from that conflict, but it had made the two who came back.

She raised her arm to block his blow, but her eyes never left the center of his body, and she saw the knee coming from a mile away. She answered his instep with a stop-thrust punch to the jaw, her extended arm preventing his advance and keeping him too far to use his knee. This attack was jarring, even in practice. She capitalized on the situation, following with her right fist then her left and right again. She punctuated her onslaught with a push-kick to his abdomen creating distance between them again where he would need to pass through her range again before he could bring power in with his shorter arms.

"Geez, Mala," Jantus said, holding his stitched up head with his hand, contemplating the situation. "If I were you, kid, I'd close up that guard...if you don't make sure your form is good, she'll take advantage of it. Not sure there's any quick way to best Mala, but make sure not to let her keep you at that distance. You'll need to close." Even as he said this, she threw a low kick into the side of his knee. They didn't mean much now, but in true combat it was clear that these attacks would either damage his joints, leg muscles, or lacerate his skin with her hindclaws. It was good that this was training.


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