Runnin' with a rough and tumble crowd!
ooc: Nah, seeing as how he came from the side, his hook can logically make it to the back or the side, but Mala twisted around and blocked the shot, which is why it didn't work. XD Probably my next post is when he'll turn the tables so we can sort of begin to wrap this up. >> P.S. FINALLY OUT OF FINALS!

Perhaps Ty had jumped the gun when he attempted to make an offensive, even though he got one good shot in. He felt the punch collide with the side of his nose, though not breaking anything, it certainly sent him stumbling back. However, he acted purely on instinct when Mala had brought her hands around to the back of his head. Instead of letting her get a firm grip and pulling him down on her knee, he managed to pull back and clear his head from the assault, though still stumbling about, the original hit still sort of dazing him. She was obviously upset that he had landed a hit, once he got hit bearings he noticed she was already advancing with a forearm to the face. He was able to bring his hand up in defense, but it still jolted him backwards, and he barely managed to catch the left short punch with his free hand, he then used both his arms in a push attempt to get some space and allow himself to get his bearings

At this point, he wasn't exactly in the best shape, she had dinged up his face a bit, landed some blows on his stomach and chest, and countered everything he did. He was on the losing side of this fight, but he had to try something, anything, he wasn't going to quit now. All he had to do was think quickly about how he could topple this fighter. But he could see in her eyes now, she wasn't exactly out of breath or weakened by his attempts to stop her. She was in prime fighting condition, she hadn't been very easy on him at all. Then again, he hadn't said he quit or begged for mercy, so he at least had that going for him. He did chuckle softly at the thought of it, but he wasn't the type of wolf to do that if the situation came to it. But now wasn't the time to think about giving up, now was the time to think about how to beat Mala.

So far his attempts had been lackluster, with every strike or counter he made , she had a better one, but he was beginning to catch her rhythm now. She was a striker, a pure striker, her moves were highly based on trading blows with another fighter until one fell down. He knew now that she was unprepared for strikes that weren't straightforward, that if the game changed she wasn't one to adapt to it, that was how he got that lucky shot in her gut. The only way he did that was getting close though, so how was he going to get close without meeting another fist in the face? That's when it came to him, she would strike him as a knee-jerk reaction if he moved in, so he had to goad her into coming at him, and he would probably lose respect if he began trash talking, so the best method of making her move at him was to fake her into it. Planning his idea in his head, he raised one fist back for another strike at her and then charged in, pushing it forward towards her face. Although this was the same move he had made for the last two rushes, but there was a method to his madness this time, all Mala had to do was react in the same way she had been.

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