Runnin' with a rough and tumble crowd!
Ty was slightly embarrassed when he was corrected about how the group was not a pack, but that intruiged him even more about these wolves. They were of no affiliation to each other except that they were warriors, it fascinated Ty to no end. But he said nothing about it but listened to the coyote's talk, and he grinned in a excitment when he was offered an invitation to come back and fight with them anytime they were here "You know what? I think I will come back and fight with you guys again real soon, Mala needs a rematch, and perhaps when I've built my confidence back, I will go a round or two with Jantus here." He said with a little chuckle. Of course that was just the balls talking but perhaps one day, when he had really gotten to his full potential, he might be able to provide a decent challenge for someone like Jantus.

He was actually quite overjoyed to hear the praise from Aivyr. Even when out of shape and lost touch with his violent self, he was happy to know he could still provide a challenge to wolves like Mala or coyotes like Nik, wolves who had been training right up to this moment. what had began as an awkward encounter of him spying on them, became a budding friendship with these canines. He could feel himself getting an attachment to them by accounts of kindred spirit, and perhaps maybe if here ever left the Valley he'd certainly look them up. But for now, he could simply nod and say a simple "Thanks." to Aivyr's compliments.

It was then Jantus' who began making his own monologue about the reality of what fighitng is there for, what it is meant to be used as, and the consequences of it's actions. While Ty could have said that he had seen blood as well, and killed his share of wolves and coyotes, he preferred to just let the big man talk. Some things one just does not interrupt, no matter how redundant they may seem, this was just one of those things. And it wasn't all redundant, most of it was actually very inspiring, and Ty was glad to hear it, what Jantus said showed how much he cared for the people around him, as well as how much he knew about warfare, Ty could only look at the large wolf with respect, he was a warrior at heart, and nothing less.

That's when Ty's eyes looked up to the sky to see the sun setting slowly, apparently he had spent the whole day with this group, and now it was getting late, and cold. He dipped down and took a drink from the stream before speaking up again. "Hey...I'll have to head back to the Valley soon to check on the boarders and such. but before I go...where will you guys be tomorrow? I'd like to come back and go another few rounds with you guys. Especially on four legs, I'd like to see how I do against another wolf on four legs."

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