the big bang theory
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    The hybrid woman could not even attempt to sort through the myriad of feelings that were racing through her; the anger had faded and she no longer felt the need to lash out at anything. A strange sort of lull had taken over; it was an unpleasant, uncomfortable feeling that forebode of worse things to come. The smaller canine crept closer to the bed, showing only fear to the hybrid woman. Kaena figured that was certainly natural and certainly right, but it still sent a stab of further guilt into her heart, twisting the knife around just to remind her of what she'd done.

    The hybrid had relished having absolute power over anither living being, but now the thought of it made her slightly ill. Still, she knew she would not relinquish Vieira, not yet anyway—there was still a sense of possessiveness within the silver-furred Centurion, and Kaena still felt as if Viei belonged to her. The smaller canine halted in front of the hybrid woman, who leaned back slowly onto the bed, curling up on her side in a somewhat fetal position, her yellow eye still focused on the other canine in her dwelling. The faint scent of sex still clung to the cave, and the hybrid wished a fresh breeze would whisk it away, leaving the cave clean and free of that lingering smell.

    "Up here," the hybrid said, her voice sounding stronger than it had but still weak. Though she had whispered the statement with their proximity and the close quarters of the cave it sounded obscenely loud to the hybrid's own ears. Drawing in a breath slowly, she regarded the other coyote and her fear, wanting to reach out and stroke her head and apologize, but unable to do so. That was weakness, that was kindness; Kaena could no such true thing to Vieira.


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