a guilty mind needs to confess
http://sleepyglow.net/souls/gifts/rikka_table.jpg); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:330px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; padding-bottom:10px;">
SoSuWriMo 486

   Rikka liked to think that she had many people that she could depend on, for she had many friends, even if most of them did not live in this land. However, when she really thought of it, there was no one around that she felt would stay with her through thick or thin. True, mostly this was due to the fact that she had just returned, but even with her family she did not feel that sense of security. She knew most of this was her own fault for spending so much time apart from them, but she couldn't help but wonder what would happen if things ever got bad. Would they be there for her? Would anyone? While she was open with most, she did not fully ever put her trust in anyone. In that way she was similar to her brother, though their reasons were different. The closest, most trusting bond she had with anyone was with her lovers and all of them were back in The Haight. Would anyone in these lands offer her such a connection? Things were so different here, even outside the clan.

   Her travels had changed her and when she had entered the commune she had been reborn. That place had seemed to hold all the answers for her, all the self contentment that she had always been searching for. Before coming there she had had no idea that such a place could exist and now she knew it was the purest flower, though an extremely fragile one. There she had learned to be happy with herself and to respect and treasure the world around her. She had learned the true meaning of love and peace and unity. The hybrid had learned about herself. It was the greatest gift that anyone could ask for and she was so thankful that it had finally been granted to her. The only thing missing from her life were pups and whenever she had them then she would have nothing else to desire. Only to live a happy and peaceful existence.

   Perhaps the subject of Vieira should have been brought up immediately, but she had wanted to talk more with her brother and to learn about him before delving into unpleasant and more business like matters. What was going on there was more upsetting to her than any of the carnage or violence. "I met her the other day. A timid little coyote. She said she belonged to Kaena. That she was Kaena's slave." Their matching eyes met, though her's were filled with a deep sense of distress and injustice. "She's keeping one of our own as property. It isn't right." There was no question in her voice, it was a statement, written in stone as far as she was concerned. No one had the right to keep another. It shouldn't be stood for and she hoped that Gabriel would understand and agree.


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