those whom the gods detest.

All welcome!

The rain was considerably falling cold and constant this late afternoon; the arid enclosures of the decayed ruins of the university didn't provide any more warmth than it did on the outside. In fact, it felt much colder within the walls than in the open forests. At least there were some segments of the eroded building that did provide dryness, as the rogue at a year and eight months scurried right into the building. Her pelt was slightly damp and matted, and the leather jacket that she wore sported an array of water droplets like freckles along her shoulders and streaking down the backside. The leather jacket didn't do much to conserve too much warmth, but it was certainly better than nothing at this point.

This city fallen into the past's oblivion and ruins was the first thing that initially caught her sanguine eye. There were plenty of small towns and valleys in between in which she had passed without giving a second mention of stopping in for the night, but for some reason, there seemed to be an aura of enigmatic mystery that surrounded this vast city in which Vesasia couldn't pass up. Where there was a city, there might have been ancient artifacts, old treasures, things to pawn off for later, usually for the sake of more marijuana. It was worth giving a look see, and with her dagger drawn in grasp, walking down a damp hallway of the university, perhaps there was something promising for Vesasia to find on this mission she had been sent upon by means of her grandmother. She certainly had nothing else to do, and this was better than lingering out in the cold rain.

The Killam Library's door easily tipped open with squeaky, moaning hinges. The sound echoed off the empty walls, and the area was dim. The dark clouds outside were responsible for this, as some areas were casted off into the shadows. Walking into the deteriorated library with the only audible sounds of her claws clicking against the cold, hard cement floor, and the occasional distant dripping of rain into the enclosure, her crimson gaze was able to get an adequate scan of the room. Beige backed ears high and alert, there were no ordinary sounds to be heard, nor did Vesasia feel as if there was a strange presence. This had brought a significant small smirk to her 'yote leathery lips, as she then sauntered over to the nearest table. Tossing her bag upon it with an echoing thud (and also knocking over a stack of ancient books), there was a chair also pulled out to where she sat down (careful at first to test her weight, just in case the chair decided to give out under her).

Rummaging through her bag, Vesasia retrieved the items she sought: her pipe, the jar of her stash of marijuana, and matches. Instantly going to work on picking apart a bulb of weed, it was neatly packed into the pipe and ready to smoke. There had been a hint of laced blueberry flavor within, one that made her mouth water at the instant. Sparking her bowl and taking a feel good drag, she inhaled as much as she could, held it as long as she could, and blew a fine stream of smoke out above her. The smoke had considerably scorched the back of her throat, due to the fact that she had not hit any weed in several days. To those that might have felt uncomfortable by this, it was a sensation that was welcoming to her.

After a slight coughing fit and her eyes getting considerably glossy and red in the whites of her eyes by the minute, she set her pipe down and picked up the nearest worn book that had been knocked over in the stack by her bag. Kicking her feet up to where her feet reclined on the edge of the table, Vesasia casually flipped through several pages, attempting to skim through the book. Most pages had long since faded, and even if she did want to read a paragraph or two, her own senses were beginning to get slightly faded themselves.


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