those whom the gods detest.

Table by Alli
OOC: I hope you don't mind me jumping in here. If you wanna plot, we can, just pm me if you have any ideas <3, he's totally crazy for bringing the horse into the library, I know. but that's just the way he rolls man.

The male had been out about the same time he had been almost every day since Kaena had done his tattoo. He also had been showing off his horse's sick tattoo that he had finished a few days ago. He had already been cleaning his horse's and his own tattoo almost anally so they did not get infected, but Cotl (being the strange male he was) was still tracing the new tattoo on his belly with his fingers. He knew it hurt, hell he felt it hurt, but the pain was so addicting to him that he often would just trace it. The male rode his horse in the rain. He had to. Even if he was cold and tired, he needed to give the horse some exercise, and he himself needed to get out of the damn mansion before he smashed his own skull in from boredom. Plus, he needed to get a bandanna from Halifax so he could finish spray painting without getting all the fumes in his mouth and nose. That was the last thing he wanted to be breathing in at the moment, and it was important for him to finish the project before he could start another one (even though he had already finished part of another project).

The constant dropping of the rain on his stallion's face felt awesome to the horse. The horse couldn't really understand why his face burned, but the male did understand that it burned, and it was starting to annoy the horse quite a bit. He first had gone through the annoying stinging that the male had made him go through, and now it was the damn burning. It was hard for him to even deal with the bridle and bit because of the burning. Cotl knew and understood that the horse's skin needed time to relax, without the bridle on it, but there was no other way he could ride the horse, and he needed to get business done, and on foot it'd take him longer to get where he needed to go than if he just took his horse.

The male let the horse go on and on, not really in a rush to get out of the rain or anything, and it was to his surprise when his stallion had walked up to some cracked open doors to the inside of the university. You really want to walk through a building-FUCK-FACE-? the male asked, cocking his head to the horse before it pushed open the door the rest of the way and Cotl ducked down as the two entered the door. The horse's hooves clicked against the broken tile on the ground as he walked around in the bottom floor. The horse continued on, and then again, they went through another door. Cotl dunked again for this one, and they entered a large library. Cotl looked around before the potent scent of marijuana hit his nares. There was someone here, because Marijuana didn't burn itself....At least to his knowledge it didn't. The male was attracted to the scent, and therefore he took control of the stallion and pulled him to the left, going through a isle of books. Cotl looked at the titles as they walked down the isle, but found none that sounded remotely interesting, so he continued on before he found the source of the smoke. It was a coyote female. His bi-toned eyes were on her. Hey, man. That smells like -FUCKING DONKEY BALLS- some good shit you got there. he spoke, his speech effected by his condition, as well as him adding a well needed throat-clearing at the end of it.



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