those whom the gods detest.

Table by Alli
OOC:Who you talking about? The manager? If you are, then you must have missed the last new episode. Better Rattle Snake- Dethklok

Like I haven't heard that before. They all say the same thing, over, and over, and goddamn over again. Until then, the world is going to have to deal with my asshole self. Unfortunate, huh? she was cocky. Almost in an annoying way. Unfortunate for you. Nicht ich. I can imagine you being the insect that someone -FUCK YOU- would poke with needles until you were finally dead. the male held a sinister voice as he thought about the jar of needles that were in his bag (that rested on the horse's back still). He could imagine himself sticking her with needles. After all, it was his favorite way of torture.

His eyes watched her closely. ... Mm. If you're a man of your word to not do any "coy"ote tricks, it'll be a deal. Got it? she spoke. He didn't find any entertainment in her stupid little word play. He was being rather picky with his comedy today. Normally, he would at least smile at the word play, but his mood had been ruined more or less because of this feo's smart ass mouth of hers. The moment she called him short, he would snap. He knew it would come up. He always did know it was coming up. He knew she was going to say something because she seemed like the son of a bitch(daughter of a bitch to be correct) that would want to say something stupid that made him get his sharp claws and maul her face. (the male could easily jump up to her face and claw at it; so he didn't need weapons). Equivalent Exchange. the male spoke, his throat clearing once again. He than watched her slowly put her blade away before he nodded his head. There are plains to the North-west, and there are also forests, and rivers. Northwest lies Inferni-the coyote clan. East of Inferni; but directly-COCK SUCKING FACE FUCKER- north of here is a wolf pack, and to the south of Inferni; west of here lies another wolf pack. Both I don't know the names of those two packs.-FUCKING SHITFACED BASTARD- To the far east of here and Inferni is Aniwaya, another wolf pack. There are plenty of land between the lands though, most of which are very capable of holding even fields of marijuana. the male held his end of the deal, telling her that there were many places around that are easily able to grow in.

I'm Cotl Ulrich, by the way. the male spoke, his throat clearing. Cotl was slightly calming down, trying not to let her really get on his nerves, and since she had put the blade away, he was much less nervous, as was his stallion. He looked to her possessions on the chair behind her for a second before he let his cold eyes fall back on her. Who the hell are you?-FICK DU- he asked.



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