The start of something real
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OOC: SHEESH. I feel like I'm posting at the speed of cold Molasses. |D I SORRY!

From her location in the bushes, Sylvie could see every little detail of the white rabbit before her- his twitching pink nose, the vivid green leaves on which his yellowed teeth tore and tasted, his deep, brown, ever searching eyes... And yet, something seemed amiss. Sylvie flattened out upon the hard earth below her as she reassessed her surroundings.

A few butterflies bobbed about to her right, apparently escaping whatever it was that rustled those bushes. Amethyst gems retreated back to the rabbit, who looked towards the moving brush, but did not run. Tall brown capped ears rose while twitching nose eyed the location of the movement. He stood stock still, alarming the pup. What's the matter, bunny? Something was bothering the rabbit, and she wasn't it? Maw agape in surprise, she watched the rabbit dash off... and instead decided she would go look for Caillen.

It wasn't ADD that caused her change in preference, no, it was something else. Something wasn't sitting right with the intuitive child, and she wanted to know what it was. Padding carefully along, mottled nose raised to catch Caillen's scent, Sylvie pondered what would worry a rabbit. There really weren't many other predators beyond themselves, right...?

A whump resounded to her left, followed by the wafting scent of the wolf-dog pup. Sylvie poked her head out of the brush, barely a half foot away from Caillen, and surveyed him.Oh thank heavens... he's not seriously in trouble... she thought, strangely mother-like in contrast to her young age. Maw opened to see if he was alright- running into a fallen log had to have hurt... but that wasn't what came out. What she heard sent chills down her spine. Vivid purple gems widened with terror as tiny maw announced the creature before them.

"SNAKE!" The child wheeled out of the brush, slipping momentarily before her claws caught purchase in some sturdier earth, tackling Caillen, and sending the pair sprawling a foot or so away from the log. Quickly, the Florida born pup was back on her feet, hurrying Caillen.

"Get up! Get up! We have to get farther away!" The soft rattling of the snake increased now, as the reptilian beast took up a spot on the log they had been before moments ago. The snake reared, tongue lashing, and began a slow, deliberate trek towards them, pausing once or twice more to rear up again. It was obviously threatened by the two puppies- sure, they were larger than what the snake could handle eating, but that poisonous bite... it would kill them regardless.

The Name's Sylvie Ciel. Who be you? Run run run, Chase that little sheepy-pie! and now I chase those cattle, snapping at their heels as they run by.


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