Generation to generation

Another day of easy hunting. Skoll wasn't great with the bow yet, and he couldn't hope to hit a moving target. Still, if he was quiet, and kept near to the rabbit trails, he could usually land an arrow in at least one, sometimes two. His belly full, now all he wanted was to be able to sleep peacefully. That dilemma would be a little trickier in the fixing, but at least it wasn't life threatening. The day was well underway, past noon, and he was looking for a place to rest after spending the first five hours of the day hunting. The bow really was an ingenious tool, though part of him felt bad. If the hunger pangs hadn't been getting to him, he would feel much worse about giving his prey so little chance of escape.

The river flowed sedately by, this being one of the wider stretches of the Yawrah, and Skoll decided to make himself comfortable. Putting the bow aside, he began to unstring it. He had learned how to properly fit the string by watching Maria, and he was glad. He didn't understand the bow well enough to know that the string would lose its resistance if kept taught all the time, but she had strung and unstrung hers, so he mimicked her, even if he knew not why. It was proving an extremely useful tool, but he couldn't help but be reminded of Yvret One-Eye, who had used a much more complex version of the weapon at Skoll's back to strike down wolves. With only one eye, he should not have had the depth perception to use his bow accurately...Skoll wondered if he'd used landmarks on the battlefield to gauge distance.

Pushing those old images from his thoughts, Skoll sat himseld down and listened to the rushing of the water. He liked this place, always had. Though it was not as useful to him as the Concrete Jungle, it was infinitely more beautiful, a sentiment that his great grandfather, VoidFane, hadn't shared. Odd, to think that the human wasteland had been Skoll's first sight in Bleeding Souls. No matter. He had lived here for three years now, and even though he had fulfilled the task set before him by his ancestor, protecting Storm for as long as he was able, he felt compelled to stay. Damn, this place is beautiful.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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