Tell Me Little Sister

SoSuWriMo 446

Savina was wholly ignorant of the kinds of ill feelings that he had had for her mate. Perhaps to some her choice of Kansas would seem odd, but on this matter she had never cared what anyone else thought. Who she chose to tie her life to was her choice alone and she was happy being tied down to the Sadira male. Some may have believed his meekness and gentleness unbefitting the mate of a leader, but it was those very qualities that drew her to him. She had never been the type to want the big strong male to take care of her and treat her like she was somehow less able simply because of her sex. She and Kansas saw one another as equals and that was the way that she wanted it. They complimented each other, one having strength where the other did not. Just as she did not feel it was anyone's place to judge her choice of mate she would not judge another for their decision on that matter either. The woman had gotten upset with Jazper at first, but it had been for a combination of reasons and she had never doubted the fact that he was a good man. She was happy her sister had someone so trustworthy.

The Commander laughed softly as the large pup squirmed in her arms, his tail beating around happily. "It's hard to imagine anyone outgrowing you, Jazz. Though I suppose if anyone could it would be your son. Hopefully he won't get so big that he can't get through the doors of the manor," she teased, winking at her brother-in-law. She imagined her sister's smaller genes would prevent Aro from getting larger than his father, but such a thing couldn't be said for sure. Savina wasn't entirely sure what Jazper meant by "guy time", but perhaps it was because she had never lacked the company of other women. "Parenthood is a full time job. Trust me, you'll want to spend as much time with them when they're little as you can. I can't believe how old mine are already." They were certainly growing up faster than their mother would like them too. At the mention of Naniko she couldn't help but flinch a little. The D'Angelo was a topic she liked to avoid if at all possible. "I've been getting out a little more, just to get away from everything. Haven't visited any of the other packs recently though. I suppose I should make an effort to get to know the leaders that I don't." There were still a good number of canines in charge that she had not gotten acquainted with yet.


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