Snowflakes falling all around
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OOC: ©table code and image to jacoby. happy yule, happy hannukah, merry christmas, happy solstice, and kwaanza everyone!

Anya smiled at the femme gently, glad to make a new friend. The grey female looked carefully at her paws for any more herbs, wishing once more that she had fingers to help stuff the herbs into a pouch. Oh well, you can't have everything you possibly wish for without a bit of work to get you to your goal, dear.

"Yes indeed, the snow is amazing, but I hate it when it sticks to my fur." She watched the steam rise up into the air, hearing the pup fast approaching. "The water would feel wonderful in this cold." Anya grinned wolfishly, expectedly, and made a dive into the water, hissing at the heat.

"Welcome, little one. Care to join us?" She shook her head to clear her ears, her breath steaming from her dark muzzle. Now that her head was above the water, Anya noted how damn cold the air felt on her ears. She sank back down in the water, shuddering. Screw that, I'll stay in the water all night if I have to.

speak think walk


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