Whatever ha[p]pens in the past
p. Ayita

Inside an old cabin of the rocky grass plains of the Halcyon Mountains, Flayra was looking around. She always remembered this cabin as the place of her birth. She was born and raised here. Besides, she wasn't really gonna leave since it was raining outside, beating down hard against the roof of the cabin. However, that didn't stop her from looking around the place she once called home.

She walked around to the stairs which took her up the second floor. Two doors on the left, three doors on the right. Five rooms in total, probably used in the old human times as bed rooms, like the ones at the Haven Manor. Walking into the farthest room on the left, she saw stuff lying everywhere. Since it was abandoned for about a year or two, someone would have come here scavenging around. Flayra came here some months ago, finding a lily necklace that was her mothers. She didn't really remember much about her young ages, but she still came here.

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