tactical espionage action
http://s275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... /hezt3.png) no-repeat top center; font: 10px/14px verdana; color: #AEA0B7; text-align: justify;">

Even though Hezekiah highly doubted that they could skirt about without leaving some sort of trace, he believed Snake’s words. If anything, either coyote would certainly hope that their wolfish cousin would have insipid feelings about a patch of ground here or there that may have been tainted one way or another. His own way of reassuring himself was that they would be careful, would only investigate this one spot, and perhaps the wolves would think that they came, saw, and fled. So as they wandered closer to Dahlia de Mai’s more definite, strongly marked something-of-a-border, Hezekiah was every bit as vigilant as his companion. For the next few minutes, he did not mind the silence that fell between them as they ventured in ever so close.

“I wonder how much ground they have,” Hezekiah murmured aloud after a few moments of silence. “I know they’re along the coast from what I’ve been told, but we’re pretty far away from there. You don’t think they stretch all the way to the other coast, do you?” With a swivel of his russet ears at the faint call of a songbird, he diverted his attention briefly to Snake. For even as big as Inferni was, their borders did not span the narrow middle of a peninsula; moreover, Hezekiah couldn’t help but wonder what that said about the size of the wolf pack itself.

Of course, he didn’t know what could be said about the pack itself, other than what he had been told. They had slain a mother and her child, started a war, took their prisoners. The feud between Inferni and Dahlia was politically fuelled and for the time being, things were quiet. Pausing momentarily at the base of a tree, Hezekiah drew in the marker that had been left there with curiosity. “We probably shouldn’t go too much farther.” But little did they know that they were being watched already.


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