the sleepless nights are still undone
Yup, Gabriel's always lupus unless I specify otherwise. There's a slight amount of powerplay here, but it seemed appropriate given the size/weight difference.
    The fog flew away, as if a great wind had opened a hole in the sky. Then, and only then, did he see the boy. Black and tan; inexperienced. Gabriel felt water on his face but it was meaningless. All that mattered in this world was blood. Before him came the challenger, but his will to battle was a speck of light that faltered against Gabriel’s own. God was on his side. That was ultimately the reason he would rise victorious.
    There was no hesitation, and no move to slow. All four legs hit the earth and sent the full bulk of the Aquila into his subordinate. Though his opponent had rushed to meet him, they were unequally matched. The near two-hundred pound coy-wolf slammed his right shoulder into the chest of his opponent, allowing him to grab the thick fur that protected his neck—Gabriel jerked his head back and felt those teeth pull out the thick undercoat, but nothing more.
    Still, he made no sound. Gabriel’s ears pinned low against his head, and viper-like, his teeth shot towards the soft and unprotected underbelly. He knew better then to go for the throat. While this happened, his hind legs held their ground, and his forelegs clawed wildly. Drawing blood was his goal. As soon as the boy made a fatal mistake, Gabriel would seize it.

table by alli


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