i claim there ain't another saint

A match wasn't something she'd heard of, but something about it sounded human - charcoal wasn't usually red, after all; she liked drawing with the blackened material. If it was on the end of a stick, or something was, it must have been put there. How the fire came out of the stick was yet another question, but she didn't have any anyway, so it wasn't exactly relevant. Human items were rather troublesome for Legacy. She liked and saw value in the few that were found around Jaded Shadows, but knew she could never venture a trip to the city without considerable duress. The walls and ceilings of humanity held great terror for her - she knew as much without even encountering any more. She knew it because of her nightmares.

"It's much cosier in here now," she observed a few moments after he finished the explanation, giving it time to sink in, and wanting to justify her seemingly rampant curiosity. "I like that the firelight is so alive... and you can't see the walls, it's just... darkness." Impractical thoughts were replaced as usual by another inquiry that hit her: Valentine really was asking for it, being so informative and helpful. He was turning out to be one of the most interesting people she'd met. "Do you make matches, or get them from somewhere?"


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