flesh and blood

http://sleepyglow.net/souls/gifts/razebg.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top center; background-repeat:repeat-y; border:1px solid #000000; padding:0px; font-family:georgia,serif; font-size:12px; color:#000000; line-height:16px; letter-spacing:.6px; text-align:justify;">

Thanks for starting, lovebucket :3

Who was he now, after all these years? As a child, he'd been what he now assumed a "typical" Lykoi; some sort of event he could now barely care to remember had centered around Ahemait and birthed the Lykoi monster within him; even in his youngest days, the boiling blood of a Lykoi was unstoppable within him. He'd been angry, dark; Kaena had loved him then as she loved him now, but as a child he was nothing more than another Lykoi whelp. He stood no different from his littermates and his other dozens of half-siblings; he and his brother had then followed the same path. Somewhere along the line, Razekiel had been fortunate to break off from it. Little did he know that Samael had not done the same in Razekiel's absence, despite the coyote's optimism that he had.

This Inferni was the same in feel and personality as the Inferni he'd been born into. The setting, the views were much different; his mother had returned shortly before he himself had. As far as Razekiel was concerned, Inferni was not Inferni without Kaena's presence, though Gabriel had led it well. It was his brothers and sisters that made up the population -- together they were a formidable force, the unbreakable Lykois.

And then there was Razekiel.

He moved with a perpetual skip in his wobbling step, head spinning pleasantly as always. The white stick in his mouth jiggled up and down as he moved along; where was he going? He didn't have a clue he was even in motion. "Go west, go west," he sang at the top of his voice, somehow managing to keep the smoking cigarette balanced on his tongue, "go west, young love; the sun's love nest--" It was then that he opened his eyes some and saw a hellbent creature creeping along Inferni's borders. He wore a familiar color of sorts, a strange, yellowish shade Razekiel had rarely seen elsewhere. He knew that demon.

"Sam-man!" The prince exclaimed, waving his arms drastically as his brother crept on by at a short distance. "Samael, Samael, Samael! My dear brother!" That said, as he began to move forward, the hippie tripped and stumbled a few feet before barely regaining his brother and reassuming his stance. "Sam-man, wait for Razie! It has been so long, man!"

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