she's a dark soul
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Just when Alexey was beginning to grow accustomed to the child’s odd personality, something struck a chord within her. Their little visitor began showing signs of mental stimulation, apparently triggered by the Rosen’s mere presence. She could have understood if the pup had been incapable of feeling anything, period. But that wasn’t the case. No matter how unintentional it had been, Haku had generated a reaction from her. Granted, the response she’d given him only further demonstrated the oddity that she was. Alexey could’ve kept her amusement under check, had it not been for the Alpha’s response. Oh, they were definitely dealing with Svara’s kid. A shrug was given in reply to her leader’s silent inquiry, paired with an entertained smirk. Like mother, like daughter. What drew the oddballs to him, she would never understand. But it was extremely diverting to watch.

Habitually, the Acer would’ve already stepped in, in hopes of shielding the child from the cocoa male’s insanity. This little one was just as cuckoo as he was though. And so, Lexey awaited the outcome of their one-sided conversation. It seemed Haku had caught on to her subtle warning, judging by his determination to make the furball leave. Had it been another puppy, the Rosen would have shown no particular interest in her. The Thames family had already fooled them once though; this girl’s dam had brought nothing but turmoil to their pack, and they most definitely didn’t need any more of that right now. Although Haku did not seem to care, the pup’s young age had to be taken into consideration. If Svara had indeed abandoned her own offspring, then they couldn’t send her away. Alexey didn’t want to be responsible for the death of a child. Still, she did not speak, curious as to what the girl’s answer would be. She would intervene at a later time.


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